A Journey of Living from Glory to Glory

Archive for December, 2011

Is God the Healer or the Afflicter?

What if the God that you think you know isn’t the God of the Bible?

Most people spend a considerable portion of their Christian walk wondering about the true nature of God. I’ve been a Christian for 40 years and allowed myself to be dragged through a roller coaster ride of doctrines and ministries. Each one has attempted to reveal to me the persona and nature of God. But these “revelations” were all over the map—some telling me that God tests us, others telling me that He doesn’t; some telling me that God heals people today, others telling me He doesn’t; some telling me that signs and wonders and miracles ceased after the New Testament was written, others telling me about the powerful operation of God’s power in our world today. These different doctrines preached to me over the years kept me mostly in limbo about the truth. But in spite of living a life of worldly worship, pride, willful sin, and belief in my own power, I managed to spend enough time reading and studying the Bible to see, at least partly, who He is. In fact, Jesus told us who God is when He answered one of His disciples who wanted Jesus to show God the Father to them: . . . Continue reading

When You’re All Alone, There is Someone!

When the darkest night is closing in and the slightest glimmer escapes;

When despair and heartache are familiar companions;

And your heart of stone is unwelcome—for no heart at all would be better than the pain you’re feeling;

When you’re touching “can’t care anymore” because numbness has overtaken your dying emotions;

And hope caught the last train out of your emptiness;

When you’ve tried so many times but end up worse;

And you simply want to go back; A time, a place that was simpler; better;

When you’re all alone, a life desolate; There is Someone!

When you’ve given up on living on the other side; The impassable canyon between your reality and where you thought you’d be;

You have been overtaken by circumstances, trials, tribulations, entanglements, and hopelessness; You’re captured; Taken;

When the fruit of your life lies as lifeless pits on the barren ground;

And your faith is dazed; It’s not really faith anymore;

Does God even want to help?  How can God fix what you’ve wrought?

Did you misunderstand God?  Did He misunderstand you?  Is He nowhere?

When you’re all alone, a life relinquished; There is Someone! . . . Continue reading

Placing Your Hope and Care in Jesus Christ

I recently had the experience of getting somewhat involved in politics.  I must say that the venture taught me not a few lessons about politics and Christianity and how they generally do not mix. Now before I get too far into this, I want to stress that I in no way feel that any political party has God on their side.  There is no political party that is “right with God.”  And I won’t begin to try to argue the merits of one candidate over another in terms of their spirituality.  However, several months ago I was drawn to Herman Cain, one of the recent candidates vying for the Republican nomination for president.  I believed that he had fresh ideas that would benefit our country and possibly restore some of the viability and vigor of our economy.  I was also drawn to him, to a certain degree, because he seems to be a man of strong faith.  I was certainly hopeful that his faith would influence his decisions as leader of this nation.

But things quickly changed.  . . . Continue reading

But God!

We sometimes wonder where God is in our time of trouble. We tend to look at the circumstances as they appear to our worldly eyes instead of what the word of God says they really are. We take a negative view of those circumstances and see them as proof that God is off somewhere else, probably ministering to Benny Hinn or Joel Osteen. But God has promised He’ll never leave nor forsake us but deliver us out of defeat.  He’s done it four countless others and He will do it for you because He’s no respecter of persons. What He will do for one, He will do for the other.  He will dwell on the inside of any person who seeks Him by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

He doesn’t want you to see your circumstance the way it is.  He wants you to look at it through His covenant promises of joy, peace, health, wholeness, blessings, and abundance.  Where do we find the truth about our circumstance?  We go to the Word and find out what God really wants for our lives. . . . Continue reading

Living the Supernatural Lifestyle

When was the last time you raised someone from the dead?  How about the last time you laid hands on someone with terminal cancer and had their cancer completely wiped away?  When was the last time you cast demons out of someone?  How about prophesying and speaking in tongues?  Have you recently calmed a storm?

Now I’m not trying to be judgmental or flippant here. But as you will see, these are all things that should mark the life of a “normal,” every day, run of the mill Christian.  It is sad that the vast majority of Christians would have a difficult time answering any of these questions in the affirmative.  In fact most churches would never even think of teaching their congregations about doing any of these things.

So what makes me think that a Christian should perform any of these miraculous acts?  . . . Continue reading