A Journey of Living from Glory to Glory

God’s Vision of You

It Is God’s Will that ALL are Healed


Healing is for you, right now.

Whether or not you’re a Christian, Jesus Christ loves you and desires to see you healed. It’s not a matter of what church you go to now or whether or not you go to church at all. It’s also not a matter of the things you have done in your past. The simple fact is that Jesus Christ loves you now. The issue of whether or not you are on the path of going to heaven is something we can talk about later. Right now I just want you to realize that healing, through Jesus Christ, is available to everyone He loves—and He loves everyone!

. . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You Shall Be Perfect


I’ve occasionally found myself behind a car with the bumper sticker that smirks, “Next time you think you’re perfect, try walking on water!” I understand the intent of the message, even if it does smack of chastisement. But I have news for these well-meaning placard-wielding, motto espousing, Christians: I just might walk on water at any time. It has nothing to do with my perfection, but the inherited perfection of He who lives in me!

Do you know anyone who is perfect? Viewed from worldly, natural perception, none of us has ever met a perfect person. We meet people all the time that think they’re perfect, but we all know better. In this world, it is impossible for a human to be perfect. There are just too many mistakes, failures, and wrong ways of thinking that easily destroy perfection.

And really, what is perfection anyway? Who gets to decide the standard by which perfection is measured? Certainly not me, not you, not the church you attend, not your pastor, and not the government.. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: Your Relationship with Christ in the Light of Kingdom Reality

Praising God in the Light

My heart burns for the coming and present moves of God. It’s imminently upon us—right now—sweeping across the face of the earth like a tidal wave of glorious light! It’s tearing down strongholds, breaking apart resistance, healing the sick, raising the dead, and delivering the captive. It’s a superior reality, directly opposed to the tormented reality of the world currently held under the sway of the dominating kosmokratoras (rulers of darkness who manipulate and control willing human agents). God’s reality is the supernatural Kingdom of unequivocal, unrelenting, ever-pursuing love of a Father-son relationship. It’s this reality in which we must exist if we are to survive the fervent hostility of demonic entities lurking behind governments, organizations, political parties, institutions, social circles, cities, states, nations, and, yes, even religious institutions—perhaps even your church.

No longer do we have time to play—to “get ready to do something” in the Kingdom. The time of “waiting for the right moment” is passing presently by. It has become a matter of supreme importance that we comprehend the reality in which we are supposed to walk—supernatural; other worldly, and Kingdom-focused. While the satanic order may have largely orchestrated your life up to now, its influence, rule, and stranglehold must be broken and conquered. It’s only in the Kingdom reality that you can walk in the supernatural and defeat the opposing forces of darkness hell-bent on keeping you in their anguished dimension. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You Will Do Greater Works

Greater Works by the Finished Work of the Cross

Supernatural miracle working power is not set aside for a select few, super-anointed men and women. It is required of all of us—it’s built into the nature of our walk. Are you prepared to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, calm storms, speak prophetic words, and live in an atmosphere of open heaven where signs and wonders abound in your life? If you “believe” as Jesus said you must, then these same supernatural works will become a normal part of your Christian walk.

Jesus did no miracles under His own power. While He walked this earth, He had no ability of His own to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, or turn water into wine. People get the wrong idea that He performed miracles using His powers as God. But He instead laid down His divinity and performed His mighty works as a man filled with the Holy Spirit and operating in right relationship with the Father. He said about Himself that “the Son can do nothing of Himself” (John 5:19). When Jesus walked this earth, He walked under the self-imposed restrictions of human flesh, not as God. His earthly life was laid out as a model for us to follow—to know what the NORMAL Christian walk looks like. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You Are Endued with Power From On High

The Power to be Set Free

The Power to be Set Free

The desire to wield power is built into the nature of the human race. The fact is that when presented with an opportunity to exercise control over others, even in small, momentary ways, most humans will not shun the chance. Now I know that many learned scholars will counter with their theories and reasoning that an understanding of the psychology of power is not yet fully resolved—that the “will to power” may be more learned conditioning than natural instinctive behavior. But the wisdom of their scholarship is foolishness to God. In the supernatural world in which we also exist, the will to power is a general force underlying all reality. Collectively the entire world seeks power. From family relationships, to school cliques, to local school boards, to politics at all levels, to nations, I believe that most people seek some measure of power and control over others. Unfortunately, the power that is arrogated by the world is intimately intertwined with the satanic kingdom.

1 John 5:19
19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.

Sorry, but the wisdom of man to explain the psychology of power is simply futile. Such can save much time and energy by admitting that all worldly power struggle stems from the powers of evil—period. . . . Continue reading

It’s Time for a Revolution! Your Vision: You Shall Reign in Life

Are you currently reigning over every situation, circumstance, defeat, and failure in your life? Has your rightful place as king over your domain been usurped by a rebellious insurgent? Well, it’s time for a revolution!

Since you are a king and a lord in the Kingdom of God, (see my last post) you have been given a domain over which you are supposed to reign. Your domain consists of the entire realm of things that concern your life. This includes your health, well-being, mental stability, peace, joy, happiness, financial prosperity, possessions, property, and your family. Your domain includes all for which you have authority, influence and responsibility. And this is not limited to the physical world but also includes the realm in which your spirit dwells. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You are a King and a Lord

What kind of life does a king live? Think for a moment of the great monarchies throughout history and the prodigious opulence in which they lived. Imagine a life filled with abundance, glory, splendor, riches, and more than enough provisions for you and your family. Picture opening your royal court each day to men and women of great wisdom who advise and guide your every decision. Envision having your security safeguarded by a mighty army, willing to wage aggressive warfare against any enemy who threatened your borders.

Most of us in the western world don’t really understand this kind of royalty because it’s not part of our culture. But God has much to say about the order of dominion and rule in the universe. The Bible frequently uses terminology associated with the “kingdom” form of government, giving numerous examples of kings and queens throughout early history. During most of the Old Testament period, God’s people were living under some form of kingdom government. So it seems as though God has repeatedly called to our attention kingdom rule and dominion. In fact, He tells us that we are to live in a heavenly kingdom for eternity, complete with thrones, royal courts, a royal city, and the continual praising of the King.

So the history of God’s people is filled with kingdoms; and our eternity is to live in the eternal Kingdom. But where does that leave us now? Well, this is the interesting part: God tells us that we are currently living in a kingdom, but with a glorious twist: you and I are now kings and lords! . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You are a Citizen of Heaven

Forgive me if you can for making this claim: a Christian is a different kind of creature from the rest of the world. I’m not saying we’re better because we’re not. We have, however, been reborn and transmuted from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God. That makes us an entirely new creation and places us firmly in a system that is vastly different than the systems of the world.

I can guess what you might be thinking right now, “So how come so many Christians live the same kind of lives as the rest of the world? How come so many Christians are hateful, vengeful, envious, lustful, and suffer the same calamities as the rest of the world?” . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: Everything You Touch Shall Be Blessed

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people wanted to be around you because you brought harmony, peace, love, prosperity and abundance everywhere you went? The radiance of your blessings would cause people to flock, attracted by your aura and spiritual atmosphere. When they come into your presence, they start to pick it up, and blessings begin to flow into them—even if only for a moment.

Can you say that your life is prosperous? I don’t just mean financially, but in every area—your relationships, your home life, your career and business ventures, your health, your joy, and your peace. True prosperity in the Kingdom of God is like this. In fact, a person walking in God’s abundance is a carrier of blessings—it follows them wherever they go.

I hear so much today about “the law of attraction” and many self-improvement courses focus on this as a mystical universal law. Well, it is—sort of. But there’s only one way in the universe to possess the true law of attraction and that’s to do it God’s way—with Kingdom blessings. All other ways are a counterfeit and are based on a curse. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You Have a Powerful Advocate

You are hereby accused of . . . gossiping, lying, hating your brother, lusting, envy . . .and then there are all of the really terrible things you’ve done. The devil has carefully observed your acts and has dutifully recorded them in a book of charges against you. Every single indiscretion results in one more indictment. And now satan stands accusing you before the Father.

Sin is a terrible, destructive, and deadly act. It gives the devil the opportunity to move against you, bringing a full array of penalties, curses, and perhaps, even death.

If that were not enough, you have another adversary. The world in general is against you—it may even hate you. It doesn’t care if you make it or not—you’re just one more sorry sap among the billions of people taking up space, needing services at someone else’s expense, polluting “mother earth,” voting for the wrong guy/party/cause/initiative, and further burdening the overstretched health care system. The world is randomly unfair. It will “randomly” choose some to succeed and prosper, and others to suffer unimaginable destruction. Almost all will agonize a little under the world system, even if it’s “just” high blood pressure, allergies, addictions, financial troubles, legal entanglements, and numerous estranged relationships.

Who can possibly help your plight? Who can stand before God and cancel the penalties you should be paying for your corrupt ways? Who can be your trusted deliverer guiding you out of the worldly mess you’ve made for yourself? Who can free you from your sicknesses, diseases, poverty, lack, and oppression? . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: You are Created to Live from Glory to Glory

Should we live for the glory of the Lord, in the glory of the Lord, or as the glory of the Lord? It certainly seems appropriate to live and do everything for God’s glory. But what about living in and as His glory? This may seem like a small distinction—that I’m thinly slicing a few tiny words, but the difference will have an enormous effect on your life. This may be the key factor in how you see yourself in the Kingdom of God. It may also determine the level of blessings and abundance you establish in this lifetime. God indeed reveals that He intends for us to experience a transformation into His glory.

So what is the glory of God? Well, not to be confused with worldly glory bestowed upon you by other created beings, this Kingdom glory is granted by the Creator of the universe. It is the very pinnacle of glory—being the same glory granted by God the Father to Jesus Christ.

So let’s jump right in by looking at a verse that talks about our transformation into this realm of glory. . . . Continue reading

Your Vision: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You

Is your self-image perverted by the deception and condemnation of the devil? Have other people and the flawed standards of the world given you a defining image of yourself?

How exactly do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as a perfected, unblemished, child of the most high God or someone that needs a lot of work?

These are not easy questions to answer, but most people have some sense inside as to what kind of person they are. Some people see themselves as essentially good, with perhaps a few flaws. Others seem to focus only on their flaws and throughout life suffer under poor self-esteem. Then there are those who seem to portray a sense that they are perfect and have no room for improvement (although inside may be tremendous turmoil and doubt).

For most people these images are based on the standards set by the world and its flawed systems. But they are all distorted images compared to how God sees us. Almost no one sees themselves in the image of God, but that is what He said we are!

God’s system for abundance calls for seeing yourself through His eyes. But how in the world can you find out what God thinks about you? . . . Continue reading

Your Identity in the Kingdom of God – Your Vision is Essential

Let’s start this series on God’s vision for your life by asking a key question:

Is your life ascending to great heights?

Actually, I should backup and ask a more basic question: What direction is your life headed? And are you excited about getting there? Do you have a clear understanding of your purpose or is your purpose as clear as mud?

Have you ever wondered why some people are able to turn dreams, goals, and ambitions into victorious reality, while others, perhaps even you, get stuck in fantasy land? What is it that thrusts some people into a lifestyle of abundance, peace, joy, and wholeness, and raises mankind to his greatest heights? What is it that keeps others living unfulfilled lives, wallowing in despair, discouragement, turmoil, or the dreaded state of being mediocre? Is it education, knowledge and worldly wisdom? How about wealth or land? Perhaps charm, charisma and good looks? Could it be family heritage, social standing, and political connections? . . . Continue reading

Your Identity in the Kingdom of God – Introduction to the “Your Vision” Series

This is the introductory post in a new series that will explore our identity in the Kingdom of God. The focus is on clarifying, understanding, and possessing the identity God has appointed for us. I say “possessing” because that is the ultimate goal: to possess in the totality of our existence (as body, soul, and spirit) the reality of God’s vision for our lives. This represents the very essence of the three part struggle of life: To somehow transform into a spirit with a soul and body instead of a body and soul with a spirit (sort of the default condition of mankind); to somehow transcend the temporal reality of this world and achieve the vision of God for our lives; And to finish well, having run a “good race,” as Paul describes in I Corinthians 9 and 2 Timothy 4. . . . Continue reading